Acupuncture uses the insertion of fine needles to create harmony and flow of Qi within this body. When qi flow is disrupted in the body it creates both physical and emotional pain. Acupuncture treatments can be used in the treatment of many conditions including Anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, menstrual issues, menopause, digestive issues, constipation, chronic inflammation, eczema, psoriasis, acne, asthma, musculoskeletal pain, headaches, and many more. Regular acupuncture treatments promote mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Shannon Kobylka L. Ac is trained in traditional Chinese and Japanese Style Acupuncture.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy uses suction to promote smooth flow of blood and fluid in the body. It can help relieve muscle tension and pain. Cupping Therapy can be combined with acupuncture and Tui Na treatments.
Herbal Consultations
Herbal formulas have been used in traditional medicine practices for thousand of years to treat many conditions and promote health. During a herbal consultation the patient and practitioner will discuss current health conditions, health history, diet, and lifestyle to create an individual treatment plan. Herbal formula compliment acupuncture treatments.
Tui Na
Tui Na is a form of therapeutic manipulation and massage. Tui Na utilizes rhythmic movement, compression of the meridians to create harmonious flow of Q. Tui Na is a great addition to acupuncture and cupping therapy sessions.
Reiki is a Japanese Energy healing technique that uses light touch and universal energy to promote qi flow in the body. Reiki creates a feeling of calm and relaxation for the patient. Reiki can be combined with acupuncture or cupping therapy.